Sunday 18 March 2012

Mothering Sunday

This morning my youngest three woke me with the largest cup of tea I have ever seen and a scone with blackberry jam.  Then left me with homemade cards etc so that I could 'enjoy my lie-in' and read.  Fabulous.  The smell of bacon is now filling the house as Miss Thing makes me a second breakfast.  I'm looking forward to that.

My mummy and her second great grandson

So at the moment I'm counting my blessings and giving thanks for the wonderful children I have been blessed with.  I'm also thinking about my Mum who raised her daughters alone.  I think she did a pretty good job.  Each of us are moving happily through life filled with the love and principles she gave us.  Mum is enjoying her role as grandmother and great grandmother.  Then I think about my sister, the first of us girls to have a baby.  I remember so vividly the night before my niece was born.  I remember holding my sister's hand as she was getting ready to become a mother.  It was scary and exciting, all at the same time.  Fast forward a few years and it was my turn to take those faltering steps into motherhood.  Oh it was good to be able to call my sister when I couldn't work out why my gorgeous baby boy cried and cried.  And suddenly another sister had a son.  Wow!  Our family was growing.  I was clearly the one to do her bit for increasing the quota of grandchildren because I went on to have four more children.  My gorgeous, firstborn niece is now the proud mother of two boys.  Three generations of Motherhood in our family.  Incredible.

My mummy, her daughter , her granddaughter and her great grandson

I have to step back for a moment though.  I need to take time to remember my friends who are  no longer with us.  I'm thinking now of their children and my heart breaks for the times that they won't share and I smile when I think of the memories that they made.  I also remember the friends who are currently facing life-threatening illnesses just now.  The mothers who are unable to rejoice in Mothering Sunday due to medication and/or separation from their children.  And I think of my friend Leigh whose daughter is currently in remission whilst waiting for a bone marrow transplant .  I pray for those brave mothers, their incredible children and their partners as well as the grandmothers who support them.

To all the Mothers whose babies I have seen come into the world... It has been a privilege, honour and a blessing to share that with you.

On this Mothering Sunday I want to say thank you for the wonderful blessing that is my family and wish you all a wonderful day as you celebrate and are celebrated.

My mad family and I. Mothers, sisters, aunts and niece.

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